Litigation, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Settlement Methods


Figueiredo e Velloso provides consultancy and represents its clients in contentious and preventive matters, in the various forms of disputes, acting before the courts, administrative authorities and regulatory agencies, participating in arbitrations and assisting clients in preliminary discussions in order to prevent or reduce the impact of contentions.

The office’s multifaceted performance allows it to develop solid strategies for managing and solving conflicts in relation to specific topics, which not only solve the problem immediately, but avoid its repetition or reduce its future impacts.

Lawyers have a high degree of specialization and extensive experience specifically in conflict resolution, which allows them to present clients with creative and innovative solutions in a litigation scenario.

The conduct of the office is, therefore, as follows:


  • Act strategically in pre-litigious conflict management;
  • Analyze creative alternatives that avoid the installation of disputes or, if inevitable, that put clients in a favorable position when the dispute is involved;
  • Act as mediators and conciliators, including in different spheres of Public Administration;
  • Review contractual clauses in mergers and acquisitions, private equity and similar transactions, to ensure the effectiveness of the contracted provisions in case of dispute.


  • Act quickly, technically and strategically to conduct litigation in the most effective way for the client;
  • To have extensive knowledge about the regulations issued by the main market agents or regulators, such as CADE, regulatory agencies, Ministries, CVM, Central Bank, among others;
  • Maintain an active and constant presence not only in the Superior Courts (STF and STJ, mainly), but also in the Federal Audit Court and in the National Councils of Justice and the Public Ministry.


  • Assist in deciding on the use of the arbitration clause as an alternative mechanism for resolving conflicts, with specific and in-depth analysis of the transactions that can be referred to arbitration;
  • Define the strategy for the arbitration process that seeks to maintain the value of the disputed asset and the optimization of the client’s possibility of success.